
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What A Life Moment!

I am fortunate enough to work in a field that I enjoy and feel is my life's work. It took quite a long time for me to lay aside the pride of having an advanced degree from a great school and earning less than friends who had less advanced degrees but were in corporate america. Move Forward 7 years and I am in private practice because I want less red tape and want to just focus on children. I also fully embraced by calling as an educator. When you love your job and the people that you serve, it is difficult to embrace the reality that people die young. When a client dies, its a difficult place for a therapist to conceptualize. Especially when you feel that your earthly duty is to serve and make them better.

So...when these things happen, the question becomes "What have I done and how have I served the least of these?" The answer...we served him well. He was able to communicate better, decrease behaviors, and better relate to his family.

Life's Moments with this little courageous and warrior spirit are not lost. He taught me that looking into the eyes is a connection to spirit...and I worked with him best by speaking to his spirit. Life's moments taught me that not one moment or second should be lost in teaching children to relate to their families. This mother never heard him say "I Love You"...but she knew it, because he learned to smile and look at her. Life's moments taught me that treating people well is a human responsibility and duty never to be taken lightly!

He will be Missed by many...